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If you don't know who The Beatles are stop everything you're doing and listen to their music.

Film: Milo and Otis
Album: Rubber Soul (UK Version)
Format: NTSC
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Film: Mary Poppins
Album: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Format: NTSC/Blu-ray PAL
Discovered By: Andrew C. Wendland and Todd Ellis

Film: Twice Upon a Time [Reconstructed Version]
Album: Magical Mystery Tour
Format: NTSC
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Film: Thunderbird 6
Album: The Beatles (The White Album) [1987 Europe CD Release]
Format: NTSC/PAL (DVD)
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Film: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Album: The Beatles (The White Album)
Format: NTSC/Blu-ray PAL
Discovered By: Andrew C. Wendland

Film: Barefoot in the Park (1967)
Album: Let It Be [1987 Europe CD Release]
Format: PAL
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
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