Film: Thunderbird 6
Album: The Beatles (The White Album) [1987 CD Release]
Format: PAL DVD
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Set Up: Start Disc 1 at the beginning of the movie, before the United Artists logo starts to form. Pause the movie at the end of Disc 1. Unpause the movie and start Disc 2 at the same time (ignore pausing/unpausing instructions if using a playlist/digital copy of the album)
Notes: The copy of the film must have the “United Artists” and “21st Century Cinema Production” logos and must have a run time of 1:25:41 (1 Hour, 25 Minutes and 41 Seconds).
The colours that represent the 5 Thunderbird machines are present on the albums collage poster.

A group called The Mike Sammes Singers performed the choir/backing vocals on Good Night. They also provided the theme songs for some of Gerry Anderson's early Supermarionation TV Shows.
The Beatles often used the term “Fab” in interviews and footage of them. The term “Fab” was used in Thunderbirds as an acronym for “Full Acknowledgement of Broadcast”, it could be possible Gerry used the term from hearing The Beatles use it.
The Beatles song Get Back from the album Let It Be was used in a later Gerry Anderson show, a live action show called UFO, in episode 9 Ordeal.
Along with The Beatles being called “The Fab Four” there is a Rolls Royce in the show called Fab 1.
Lyrical/musical connections
Back in the U.S.S.R.
The 21st Century Cinema Production arrow logo hits the swirl right on beat with a guitar chord.
“Oohhh” - the screen fades to black at the same time as this is sung.
“I had a dreadful flight” - and airplane flies by overhead.
“Back in…” - cuts to the inside of the building.
“You don’t know how lucky you are boy” - The man at the end of the table tell the others the presence of “Mr.X” (Brains), praising his work.
“Let me hear you…” - Brians gives his answer to hear the man reply in disbelief and then laugh.
The song ends as it fades to the next scene.
Dear Prudence
The song begins from the last transition.
The calmness of the song suits the view of Tracy Island.
“The sky is blue” - Showing Thunderbird 2 taking off, the blue sky behind it.
“Won’t you come out to play?” - Thunderbird 3 launches from its silo.
“See the sunny sky” - As John and Paul sing the word sky, they sing it in high notes, at that same time, the camera moves up from the ground showing the sky.
“The wind is low” - in the movies audio the wind can be heard.
The song ends as the opening credits end.
Glass Onion
Nothing is real” - The scene fades from the real Skyship One to a painting of it.
“Where everything flows” - the camera pans from Virgil to Brains and Jeff.
“Listen to me” - Jeff tells TinTin she can’t go with Alan as she tried to argue against him.
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
“Life goes on” - Alan says goodbye to the family as he leaves.
“Waiting at the door” - it cuts to Brains watching Alan leave as soon as the word Door is sung.
“She’s still singing with the band” - after the lyrics are said, Alan and Tin-Tin sing as they fly.
“Life goes on” - Fades to Black.
Wild Honey Pie
The song begins as it cuts to Lady Penelope.
The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
The fast guitar could emulate the tigers propellers spinning fast.
“Tiger” - The plane called The Tiger flies over the mansion.
“The mighty tiger” - Parker tries to inform Alan the Tiger is flying on its own.
“If looks could kill it would have been us instead of him” - Parker ducking after the Tiger flies by over them, it cuts to him getting up as soon as the word Him is sung.
When Parker opens the doors the cheering in the song starts.
The song ends as Parker says “Bon Voyage M’Lady”
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
“I look at you all” - The President of the New World Aircraft Corp., he looks at the men hired to be SkyShip Ones crew.
“the floor” - Alan pulls the Tigers propellers moving him down to the ground.
“I look at the world, and I notice it’s turning” - Showing a birds eye view of The Tiger and FAB 1, then cutting to Thunderbirds 1 & 2 from the same perspective.
“No one alerted you” - The crew are shot and killed by a hijacker.
Happiness Is a Warm Gun
“She’s not a girl” - showing Lady Penelope.
The clock counting from 30 seconds to 27 changes seconds right on beat with the guitar.
The engine turbines turn on right on beat with the guitar again.
Martha My Dear
The song starts as soon as it cuts to the next shot.
“You silly girl” - showing Lady Penelope.
The crews dead bodies fall out of Skyship One in time with the song and Paul’s singing, hitting the water on time too.
I'm So Tired
“I’m so tired, my mind is in the brink, I wonder should I get up?” - Showing Lady Penelope asleep in bed throughout these lyrics.
“Should I call you?” - We hear in the movies audio, Alan, Tin-Tin and Penelope saying good morning to each other.
“Take these broken wings and learn to fly” - Brains showing the Tracys his demonstration of a machine to rescue trapped people in burning buildings.
“Fly” - The captain says “We’ll soon be flying over…”
“You were only waiting for this moment to arise” - The voice on the PA tells them they have arrived at The Grand Canyon.
“In the stark white shirts” - after the lyrics are sung, cuts to them looking at the view, TinTin wearing a white shirt.
“To eat the bacon” - Parker, Penelope and Alan eating at the table.
Rocky Raccoon
The song begins as the scene cuts.
“checked into his room” - as Parker leaves Penelope's room.
Throughout the song it seems the characters lip sync the song. Note: This happens a fair number of times throughout this sync, and even before this song.
“...as soon as I am able” - Alan, Tin-Tin and Penelope start to make their next plan.
“Back in his room” - cuts to Brains with another model.
Don't Pass Me By
“see the hands are moving” - a Lady reads Penelopes fortune by reading her hand.
“I’m sorry that I doubted you” - Parker is amazed at a person on the street playing the Thunderbirds theme on his flute.
Why Don't We Do It In the Road?
The song begins as it transitions to Egypt.
I Will
“If I ever saw you” - Brains after destroying a model in anger sees Scott enter in seeing the broken model.
“Your song will fill the air, sing it loud so I can hear you” - The men listen to the final edit of their recordings of Penelope's voice.
The calmness of the song suits the scenes as the song plays.
“Windy smiles” - Alan and Tin-Tin skiing, Tin-Tin has a moment of her hair being blown.
“Glimmering” - the moon and the restaurants lights shine bright.
“Speak my mind” - the characters ordering dinner.
The song ends before the scene cuts to inside the engine room of SkyShip One.
“Yes we’re going to a party party” - Skyship One leaves.
“Take a cha-cha-cha chance” - in the movies audio Alan says they go to standby after discovering the crews plot.
Yer Blues
“You know the reason why” - John in Thunderbird 5 listening in on the fake Lady Penelope message.
“Of the sky” - showing Thunderbird 2 again taking off. [The same lyric “Sky” was said earlier in Dear Prudence showing Thunderbird 2 taking off.]
“Cross my mind” - Alan thinking what the plot of the crew is.
Mother Nature's Son
“See her” - cutting to Lady Penelope talking.
“Swaying” - Alan moving back and forth to shoot at Captain Foster.
Everybody's Get Something Hide, Except for Me and My Monkey
“The deeper you go, the higher you fly” - showing SkyShip One losing altitude.
“Your outside is in” - cuts from inside SkyShip to outside with Thunderbird 1.
Sexy Sadie
“She came around” - Thunderbird 1 arriving at the scene.
“You’ll get yours yet, however big you think you are” - SkyShip one crashes and lands on a radio tower.
Helter Skelter
“To the top” - Alan, Parker, Tin-Tin, Penelope and Captain Foster and his crew on top of SkyShip One.
“Tell Me” - the PA’s at the missile site giving off emergency evacuations.
“Look out! Helter Skelter” - Scott fires the grabber on “Look out” it shows it being fired on “Helter Skelter”.
It hits SkyShip One right on beat.
“Coming down fast” - showing Thunderbird 2 landing.
Long, Long, Long
The rusting like sound at the end could emulate the cricketing of the ship.
Revolution 1
After Scott says “Well Done Brains” John sings “Well you know”.
“We’d all love to see the plan” - these lyrics could be used sarcastically as Foster double crosses his crew.
“Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright” - Penelope flies the plane avoiding crashing into trees.
Honey Pie
“If she could only hear me” - Alan telling Penelope to throttle back.
“Driving me frantic” - Penelope driving the Tiger frantically on the highway.
Savoy Truffle
“It’s good news” - Penelope manages to fly the plane back in the sky.
“The sweat is gonna fill your head” - Parker flies through smoke from a chimney, showing him coming out all dirty.
Cry Baby Cry
“The duke was having problems” - Alan getting rid of Fosters body.
“She’s old enough to know better” - Alan telling Penelope what his plan is.
Revolution 9
The swirling music sound playing as they try to land the Tiger.
“As time went by” - transitions to the tiger had landed in a tree.