Film: Doctor Who (1996)
Album: The Time Machine - Alan Parsons
Format: PAL
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox & Taylor Mendonca
Set Up: Begin the album as soon as the movie begins.
Length of sync: 1 hour 25 minutes 49 seconds (Put album on repeat to cover movie length)
Notes: Exclude any bonus tracks, play the original 12 tracks.
The albums title could refer to the TARDIS, since itself is a time machine.
The TARDIS appears on the front cover of the album, along with other Sci-Fi machine icons. (row 1, column 2, from the left).
The album was named and influenced by the book The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, in the beginning of the movie as shown below, The 7th Doctor is seen reading the very book.
It has been said that while recording Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd and Alan Parsons would take breaks recording the album to watch Doctor Who when it would air on television. Pink Floyd had earlier did their take on the shows theme in their song One of These Days from the album Meddle.
Lyrical/musical connections
The Time Machine (Part 1)
The instrumental song lasts all the way up to when The Doctor notices The Master escaped and as it cuts to earth.
“When you look out into” - The Doctor sees the box containing The Master’s remains has been broken open.
“Your seeing them, because of the lights that’s travelled from them to you” - Showing the TARDIS coming out of a vortex travelling to Earth.
“You’re looking…” - a woman looks out of her window.
“As we are looking across” - Chang Lee and his friends look across the street at a rival gang’s car.
Out of the Blue
“What do I do?” - Chang Lee is cornered by the gang.
“Now that I’ve seen all our hopes and all of our fears” - The TARDIS appears to Chang Lee and the rival gang.
“I’m the man, from out of the blue” - The Doctor steps out of the TARDIS.
“Yes I’m riding” - The rival gang escapes in their getaway car.
“I’m still here, always here” - The Doctor is still alive from his gunshot wound.
Call Up
“We need” - Grace gets a message on her pager from the doctors at the hosptial, she leaves to help them.
“Single voices” - Grace talking to the doctors and nurses.
“So call up…” - Grace is on the phone to her boyfriend.
“Call for Jesus, and ask him in” - The Doctor wakes before the surgery begins.
“Some of those who came…” - Some men and women come to watch the surgery from above.
As the song fades out, the last famous name said is H.G. Wells.
Ignorance Is Bliss
“But no one seems to smile” - a sad looking nurse comes to wake up Lee in the waiting area.
“You won’t believe me when I tell you this is fantasy” - Grace begins to tell Lee that The Doctor died. Grace is also wearing her fantasy-like dress.
“A shelter from the storm” - Outside the window it is raining.
“A shelter from the storm” - The Master (in his snake form) hid in Bruce’s Doctor’s uniform and jacket.
“A place where you belong” - The Master will search for a new body.
The saxophone finishes playing as the Doctor regenerated into his new body.
“...and blow away” - The Doctor’s breath can be seen.
“Blue skies” - The Doctor opens his eyes, revealing he has blue eyes.
Rubber Universe
The song begins as soon as Pete opens the doors.
It’s an instrumental, so don’t be looking for any lyrical syncs, but damn is it funky.
The dents on the door appear right on the drum beats.
The Call of the Wild
“And I’ve listened to rain” - Showing The Master at the window while it rains outside.
“So come to my side” - Bruce’s wife comes next to him to hug him.
“Man, woman…” - Pete and Grace.
“We walk the same” - The Doctor entered the elevator the same time as Grace.
No Future in the Past
“Yesterdays come easy” - The Doctor pulls out a cord from his chest, implanted there from the surgery the day before.
“They’re looking back at you” - Grace looking back at the Doctor and The Doctor looking at her.
“Coming round again” - Grace drives around a corner to leave the car park.
“It’s got you on the run” - The master learns from a nurse The Doctor’s body is not at the hospital.
“having fun” - The Master smiles after being insulted by the nurse.
“yesterdays come easy” - The Doctor picks up a CD of Giacomo Puccini and starts to remember being with the composer.
“there's nothing you can do” - Grace is shocked to discover the Doctor has two hearts.
“story” - The Doctor is telling Grace about being the composer.
Press Rewind
The instruments after the drums kick in as soon as the scene cuts to Lee.
“do it all again?” - Lee enters the TARDIS and exits too.
“did your dream give way to reality?” - Lee asks who The Master is, The Master takes off his shades to show he is not human.
The Very Last Time
“between us and quietly stole you away” - The Master convincing Lee to join him.
“hold them” - The Master holding Lee.
“we’ll meet here again” - The Master leads Lee into another room of The TARDIS.
“some kind of sign” - as the camera pans showing the room.
Far Ago and Long Away
The song starts as a hologram of the Doctors previous life (His 7th) appears.
The eerie song plays through scenes of the Doctor trying to warn Grace of what little time they have left.
The Time Machine (Part 2)
The instruments kick in as The Doctor moves forward to the TV.
The music increases volume and intensity when The Doctor and The Master see each other. A similar effect to the films soundtrack.
Second Play-through
The Time Machine (Part 1)
A hissing sound is heard as The Doctor sprays The Master with a fire extinguisher.
Grace shoots at the Policemans bike right on beat.
The music suiting the chase scene.
The song finishes as The Doctor and Grace arrive at the Institute.
“Looking at us” - the camera showing the guests finding their seats.
“time…” - a sign about the clock reads “The Beginning of San Francisco Mean-Time”.
Out of the Blue
“What do I do?” - Grace keeps guard while the Doctor looks thru the machine.
“Now that I’ve seen all our hopes, and all of our fears” - The Doctor finds the piece of the clock he needs.
“I’m the man, from out of the blue” - a security guard comes out of nowhere stopping The Doctor and Grace.
“Out of the blue” - The Doctor makes a JellyBaby appear from nowhere.
“So follow the call to our senses” - Grace spots Lee and he Master in the crowd.
“Yes I’m riding” - The Doctor and Grace drive off on the police bike.
“A lonely highway” - it cuts to the two on a road driving.
Call Up
“change this world” - The TARDIS shows what would happen to earth and other planets if they didn't make it in time.
“light” - a bright light shining on The Doctor and Grace.
“yell” - The Doctor and Grace yelling back and forth.
The guitar kicks in as The Doctor wakes.
“light the way” - The Master coming down the stairs the light shines through the window.
“Call up” - The Master calls for Grace.
Ignorance Is Bliss
“no need to walk another mile” - The Doctor is chained up.
“smile” - Showing the crowd smiling looking at the millennium clock.
“you won’t believe me when I tell you this” - the young security guard tells the host a part of it is missing.
“One day the wind will change and blow at your defenses” - The Master betrays Lee and kills him by breaking his neck.
Rubber Universe
The instruments kick in when it shows the TARDIS in a vortex.
The song lasts throughout all of the scene of The Doctor defeating The Master.
The song comes to a close as Grace and Lee are brought back to life.
The Call of the Wild
“So come to my side” - The Doctor moves around the TARDIS console to stand next to Grace and Lee.
“Man, woman and child” - The Doctor, Grace and Lee.
A firework in the sky explodes right on beat.
“There is no need to fear” - the fireworks go off in celebration of the new year.
“The strong and the anxious, the meek and the mild” - The Doctor and Grace kissing under the firework sky.
“Thats the call of the wild” - As The Doctor says goodbye to Grace to leave in his TARDIS.
No Future in the Past
The song begins as the TARDIS starts to lift off.
“Theres nothing you can do” - The Doctor now finally relaxes.
“It’s the same old story” - The Doctor picks up where he last was reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells.
“What is done is done now” - The end of the adventure with the credits cueing as soon as “now” is said.