Film: Pink Floyd - The Wall
Album: The Black Parade
Format: NTSC/PAL
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Set Up: Begin the album after the MGM Lions second roar once it fades.”.
Length of sync: 1 hour and 35 minutes (Put album on repeat to cover movie length).
Notes: The bonus track "Blood" must NOT be skipped.
My Chemical Romance credited one of the biggest influences on the album was the album and film adaption of The Wall. Which may be said that The Black Parade could be the “unofficial offspring/sequel” to The Wall. This is evident on both albums opening tracks, The End and In the Flesh? For both contain lyrics with extremely (if not) the same type of introduction:
The End: Now come one come all to this tragic affair.
In the Flesh?: So ya, thought ya, might like to go to the show?
The End: I'd encourage your smiles, I'd expect you all cry.
In the Flesh?: If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes…
Both albums contain song titles that are similar if not exactly the same.
The Wall: Mother
The Black Parade: Mama
The Black Parade being an “unofficial sequel/offspring” to The Wall is often said with the opening track The End for most compare it to Outside the Wall the last track on The Wall. Thus eluding that The End picks up where Outside the Wall ended.
The album covers for both The Black Parade and The Wall both display black, painted, messy-looking writing on a white backdrop.

The music video for Teenagers copies the scene from In the Flesh? twice.
The first moment shows a door with a lock on it being pushed for the young people trying to get through.
The music video for Teenagers copies the scene from In the Flesh? twice.
The first moment shows a door with a lock on it being pushed for the young people trying to get through.

And the second scans through the band’s audience the same way the film does.

Lyrical/musical connections
The End
“Now come one, come all to this tragic affair” - As it perfectly transitions to begin the film.
The lyrics of the song foreshadows the events of Pink.
“Come on come on come on, said save me!, You can’t!” When these lyrics are said, the opening credits appear in rhythm and timing with the singing.
The song starts as soon as a match is lit by Pink’s Father, right after the opening credits.
Pink’s father inserts the cleaning rod into the gun’s barrel in rhythm of the singing.
“Have you heard the news that you’re dead?” - Foreshadowing the upcoming scene of his death.
“Wouldn’t it be grand to take a pistol by the hand” - Self explanatory once you see it. [And then, once you see it, you’ll shit bricks.]
This Is How I Disappear
“Give the kids a show, By streetlight this dark night” - The people burst through the doors running through a stadium with the lights shining on them as they run past.
“Can you hear me cry out to you?” as Nazi/Fascist Pink sings to the audience from his balcony.
“Without you, this is how I disappear” - As Pink’s father, is killed by the bomb dropping onto him.
His hand lets go of the phone on the last chord of the song.
The Sharpest Lives
“If I crash on the couch, can I sleep in my clothes?” - Pink’s mother is seen sleeping in her clothes on a lawn chair outdoors.
“A light to burn all the empires” back on the battlefield a fire can be see lit in the near distance.
“the blood on your hands” - showing injured soldiers being cared for by medics.
“And you can take all the pain away from me” - showing more soldiers being cared for.
“So you can leave like the sane abandoned me” - a huge line of soldiers walking off on the beach. Knowing soldiers in war would lose their sanity.
“So you can leave like the sane abandoned me” - showing Pink floating in the pool after he destroyed his room.
Welcome to the Black Parade
“My Father, took me into the city” - cuts to the church.
The song has a funeral like progression and sound, suiting the church scene.
“Black Parade” - Pink’s mother dressed in black.
“When I was a young boy” - we see young Pink.
“Let's shout it loud and clear” - the man tells Pink to leave him alone, after again trying to get his attention.
“I’m not a hero, just a boy” which could explain Pink at his young age.
Marching drums can be heard as Pink opens the bottom draw, finding his father’s war emblems.
I Don't Love You
“And maybe when you get back” - Pink puts the bullet back into the box.
“And after all the blood that you still owe” - The German war Eagle tears off a part of the ground, bleeding as it flies off with it.
“When you go” a dove flies out from the remains of the German War Eagle.
House of Wolves
The song starts as Pink gives his friends bullets.
“well I said hey!” Pink’s friend warns him the train is coming.
“I wanna hear you sing the praise” - the teacher’s hear the school bell, ready for work.
“You better run like the devil, 'cause they're never gonna leave you alone” - the teacher and students make fun of Pink writing poems.
“So get up! So get out!” - when these lyrics are said it cuts to the teacher smacking kids.
“My sisters and my brothers” - showing the massive lines of boys and girls.
“Oh, my agony“ - Pink is slapped on the wrist from the teacher’s ruler.
“But counting down the days to go” - The kids one by one walking into a meat grinder.
“Goodbye today” - the kids falling into the meat grinder.
The song starts as soon as a table hits a window.
“Mama, we all go to hell” - the kids made a huge fire outside the school.
“Were all gonna die” - the teacher is thrown into the fire.
*The song also plays as the song Mother plays in the movie.
“We’ll never let you go” - Adult Pink holds his pillow as if to hug his mother.
“We're damned after all” - Young Pink looking seriously ill in bed, worried about dying.
*The lyrics of Mother at this moment of the film are “Mother am I really dying?”.
“I’ll show you the way” - as the Doctor points out the bedroom door to talk to Pink’s Mother.
“And it's like, it feels like as if somebody was gripping my” - Pink touches his wife's shoulder.
“Undeserving of your sympathy” - as Pink’s wife tires to get his attention.
“Cause I don't feel bad about it.” - Pink’s wife walks away from him with a blank expression, being ignored by him.
“Kiss me goodbye” - Pink’s wife walks out the door.
“A drink” - Pink moves around a cup with some liquid in it with his foot.
“Just sleep” the camera zooms out to show Pink’s wife in bed with the protest rally leader.
The song hits its last major notes as it cuts to Pink sitting by the phone.
“And I can't... I can't ever wake up” Pink realizing his wife cheated on him.
The animated scene starts when the instruments do.
“will make them pay for the things that they did” the flowers come alive and bite each other.
“...the cars” - the guitar turns into a car.
“as as we ran from the cops” - the people getting arrested by police.
The groupie claps her hands in beat of the song.
“with nothing to say” - Pink tries to ignore the groupie.
Famous Last Words
“theres nothing I can say” - Pink again ignoring the groupie.
“bright lights” - the two lights in Pink’s bedroom.
“I can't speak” - the groupie waves her hand in Pink’s face.
“Nothing you can say can stop me going home” - Pink starts to destroy his hotel room.
The intensity of the song eludes the scene of Pink’s self destruction.
“I see you…” - the groupie looks at Pink one last time before escaping.
The song itself could be referred to Pink’s message to the world and himself as he finally begins to isolate himself.
“I can't control myself because I don't know how” - describing Pink’s mental condition?
“I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love! “ - again describing his condition, as Pink is the main character of the film.
Second Play-through
The End
“Now come one come all to this tragic affair” - Flashbacks of previous scenes in the film.
“Too young to die and my dear” - flashback of young Pink running through a field.
“If you can hear me…” - Adult Pink clinging to his Wall, trying to reach the outside world.
“I'll be here wondering” - Pink listens against the wall for any sounds.
“Then your heart can't take this” - Pink slams against the wall in anger.
The guitar sliding when Gerard Way sings “One Two Three Four” lasts as long as Pink putting on the shaving cream in his chest.
This Is How I Disappear
The song starts as the first drip of blood falls into the sink of water, the other blood drops hit the water in beats of the song.
“There are things that I have done, You never should ever know!” - Describing Pink’s isolation.
“live my life alone forever now” - showing Adult Pink in the middle of nowhere.
“Can you hear me cry out to you” - The TV movie Pink is watching, the soldier call’s to the army's pet dog.
“I'm just a ghost” - Adult Pink rocking back and forth on the chair fades into Young Pink.
The Sharpest Lives
“When you're out on your own” - Young Pink wonders the hospital alone.
“I've really been on a bender and it shows” - Young Pink discovered Adult Pink, in the corner of the room.
“There's a place in the dark where the animals go” - Young Pink discovers the pile of corpses.
“lather the blood on your hands, Romeo” - Young Pink discovers the corpse of a lone soldier, covered in blood.
Welcome to the Black Parade
The song starts as “Bring the Boys Back Home” starts in the film.
“A young boy” - for a split moment it shows Young Pink.
“To see a marching band” - the marching band at the station are seen.
The marching drums in the song start as the band are seen again.
The marching drums continue as the band leave the station and cross fades to soldiers walking into the distance.
“Son when, you grow up” - it cuts from Young Pink to Adult Pink.
“We’ll carry on” - the medics lift up Pink back onto his chair.
“Take a look at me cause I could not care at all” - Young Pink shows his mum the rat he found.
“I'm not a hero, Just a boy” - the same effect as in the first play through of the album.
I Don't Love You
“Well, when you go. Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay” - people from Pink’s life walk past the camera.
“So take your gloves and get out. Better get out, While you can” - the men carry Pink away, who is still semi conscious.
House of Wolves
The song starts as the surrogate band are seen playing.
The wolf howl like sound made from the guitar could refer to the audience cheering Pink’s arrival.
“I'm gonna come on sing the praise. And let the spirit come on through ya” - the audience’s excitement for Pink.
“And say, ha What I wanna say” - Pink starts to sing.
“So get the choir boys around you” - Showing a choir singing.
“And say, ha What I wanna say” - Pink pointing out the wrong people in the crowd.
“Kick me like a stray” - the henchmen start attacking someone.
“You better run like the devil, 'Cause they're never gonna leave you alone!” - as Pink sings “If I had it my way, I would have all of ya’ shot!”.
“I've been a bad motherfucker” - Fascist Pink
“Tell me I'm an angel” - the audience praising Pink.
“Turn away” - the audience practicing their march.
“My sisters and my brothers” - showing men and women.
“we all go to hell” - Pink shouting in public about his destruction to the outside world.
“we’re all gonna die” - the montage of the Fascists attacking begins.
“Building a coffin” - a possible joke to the fact the scene is the goose step hammers?
*Building a coffin from wood with nails and a hammer.
I'd maybe then sing you a song” - Pink starts singing “Stop”.
The rest of the songs lyrics could perfectly describe the inner thoughts of Pink since at this point of the story, Pink had snapped out of his Fascist state and realized what he has done to the world:
“But there's shit that I've done with this fuck of a gun,You would cry out your eyes all along.
We're damned after all.
Through fortune and flame we fall.
And if you can stay then I'll show you the way, To return from the ashes you call.
We all carry on (We all carry on)
When our brothers in arms are gone (When our brothers in arms are gone)
So raise your glass high For tomorrow we die, And return from the ashes you call.”
The sobbing at the end of the song is heard when Pink himself is shown to have been crying.
“these terrors. And it's like, it feels like as if somebody was gripping my…” - more inner dialogue from Pink?
“A drink for the horror that I’m in” - more possible inner thoughts.
“For the monsters that I've been” - showing a decrepit drawing of Pink.
“And I can't... I can't ever wake up.” - More inner thoughts of Pink in the current scene.
The Wall is turn down as soon as Gerard Way sings "Ohhh yeah!" [Cool Aid man much?]
The somber song plays as it shows children picking up the remains of The Wall.
“I hate the ending myself…” - as the movie fades to black to roll the credits.