Film: The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
Album: The Mollusk
Format: NTSC/Blu-ray PAL
Discovered By: Nikolas Monks
Set Up: Begin the album as soon as the movie begins.
Length of sync: 1 Hour 27 Minutes and 15 Seconds (Put album on repeat to cover movie length).
The connection between The Mollusk and SpongeBob is quite strong. Stephen Hillenburg credited The Mollusk as the influence for his creativity while creating SpongeBob. To the point of contacting the band and letting them know so. The band refer to this as one of their Personal Achivements.
The movie was originally going to be the end of the SpongeBob Squarepants series. With Ocean Man playing as the first credits song/being SpongeBob's theme. It can be seen as Stephen wanting to tell Spongebob's last adventure though the music of The Mollusk.
Lyrical/musical connections
Dancing in the Show Tonight
"Showtime now is getting near" - The chest with the movie tickets gets hauled onto the deck of the ship.
"If I'm all prepared" - The ship captain clearly isn't "prepared" to see the movie tickets inside the chest.
"I can hardly wait!" - The captain and his crew cheer on their discovery of the tickets.
The Mollusk
"Kind sir, it's a Mollusk I found" - One of the crew members is hauled out of the ocean holding a fish.
"Bring forth" - The crew rush off the ship into the theater.
Polka Dot Tail
The song begins as it transitions from SpongeBob's dream to his alarm clock ringing.
"..his hand" - The shot showing Spongebob tapping on the calendar.
The back of Spongebob's pants come undone right on beat.
I'll Be Your Johnny on the Spot
"Left me all he's got" - Showing the inside a dirty unkempt Chum Bucket.
Mutilated Lips
The song ends right as the scene shifts to introducing King Neptune.
The Blarney Stone
"and bludgeon your eye" - King Neptune's eyes poke out in anger as he looks at the prisoner.
"Brings a tear to my eye" - You can see SpongeBob at the counter, crying.
It's Gonna Be (Alright)
"Baby what have I done? Gone and left you all alone" -
Patrick left Spongebob on his own, assuming he would have gotten the manager job just fine when he clearly didn't.
"It's hard for me to sing this song" - Spongebob tells Patrick the celebration is off, due to his depressed mood.
"It won't hurt as bad some day. It's gonna be alright baby" -
Spongebob gets reassured once Patrick offers him ice cream.
The song ends as soon as King Neptune taps his staff on the ground.
The Golden Eel
Anytime "Watching the eel" is said, there's a shot of a character looking/staring at something.
"The eel offered his help, I can't understand" - An inebriated Spongebob comes in to cover for Mr. Krabs. Neptune still isn't convinced.
Cold Blows the Wind
The song begins as soon as King Neptune begins to speak.
"But when twelve months..." - Patrick and Neptune argue over how long Spongebob gets to retrieve Neptune's crown.
"...my grave" - Mr. Krabs gets frozen by Neptune.
"My breath is heavy and strong" - Spongebob opens the sack of winds.
"From a dungeon deep" - Patrick and Spongebob go into the secret basement where the Patty Wagon is.
"He was slain" - A frozen Mr. Krabs is shown.
Pink Eye (On My Leg)
One of the barking noises matches up with the air horn Patrick's holding.
Another bark is heard as it zooms in on Plankton.
The song plays throughout the entirety of the scene of Spongebob and Patrick meeting the hillbillies and Plankton's success.
Waving My Dick in the Wind
"my head beside you" - the close up shot of the two hillbillies.
"and a million miles of highway in between" - Dennis leaves the gas station to continue his journey to find Spongebob and Patrick.
"red and blue lights" - A purple (mix of red and blue) landscape shows where Spongebob and Patrick are.
"I'm doing the best I can" - Spongebob and Patrick are visibly exhausted from walking but yet continue to do so.
"I got a real good feeling" - Spongebob points out a sign that refills their optimism, briefly.
Buckingham Green
"The children saw the eye" - Spongebob fakes looking for his contacts.
Symbol crash as soon as a fish gets hit with a chair from the club owner.
Ocean Man
"Take me to the land, that you understand" - The scene transitions to show Bikini Bottom, a place that anyone familiar with the show would "understand".
"Can you see through the wonder of amazement" - Squidward sees someone wearing a Chum Bucket helping, telling himself they have bad taste in fashion.
She Wanted to Leave (Reprise)
"...fill up my glass to the rim" - Spongebob grabs the fake bowl of Ice Cream.
The song ends right as the patty wagon is gone, initially giving the feeling that the duo's adventure just ended there.
Second Play-through
Dancing in the Show Tonight
"cute expression..." - Spongebob smiles as he finds the road on the other side of the cliff.
"and I'm getting scared" - The two are clearly scared to go into the trench.
The Mollusk
"Hey, little boy" - Mindy comes to console Spongebob and Patrick.
"does it emulate..." - Mindy's shell showing Spongebob and Patrick what's happening in Bikini Bottom.
Polka Dot Tail
A lot of the duo's movements match up to the beat of the song; (their poses while falling down the trench, hopping across the river of lava and the falling objects) [This happens a lot during the sync, their movements are so well choreographed with the albums music.]
"...in the tree" - The duo land safely due to a branch sticking out of the cliff side.
I'll Be Your Johnny on the Spot
"I'll Be Your Johnny on the Spot" - after being impressed by the duo, the monsters become their friends literally on the spot.
Mutilated Lips
"Midget man provoking violence" - Dennis tells the duo of what Plankton did. (As we know Plankton being...well a Plankton, super small.)
"Listen not to what i said" - Dennis at this point says "...Perhaps I said too much"
"Tap all over this big world" - showing a wide shot of the Cyclops walking away with the duo.
The Blarney Stone
"You're shit out of luck" - The Cyclops removes the duo from the fishbowl.
"The bread on the counter is going stale" - Spongebob and Patrick become dried and brittle by the heat lamp, much like stale bread might be.
"But I 'aint dead yet"- Spongebob and Patrick share some last words.
"When Patty starts crying" - The two shed a tear.
"Brings a tear to my eye" - showing their tears move below them to form a heart.
The crowd noise in the song takes over as the pirate audience comes into frame.
It's Gonna Be (Alright)
"Baby what have I done? Gone and left you all alone" - The audience of pirates momentarily gave up on Spongebob and Patrick.
"We've been together for so long" - Spongebob and Patrick, and the audience, have spent this entire journey together.
"And it won't hurt as bad some day" - The two are brought back to life by the sprinklers in Shell City.
"It's gonna be alright" - Spongebob and Patrick are clearly fine now, and the audience is reassured they'll make it.
"and you'll be fine" - All the other sea creatures are brought to life by the sprinklers, whom gang up on the Cyclops.
The Golden Eel
"Watching the eel" - As soon as the vocals kick in, the camera focuses on David Hasslehoff rushing to the duo's aid.
"Help me find my way home" - Spongebob and Patrick need a quick way back to Bikini Bottom, which Hasslehoff helps with.
"Watching the eel" - The duo are staring at Hasslehoff.
"the golden eel" - Neptune's golden chariot rolls up to the Krusty Krab.
"The eel offered his help, I can't understand" - The duo see Bigger Boot racing towards them, whom helped the duo initially escape Dennis. They're clearly confused why.
"Speaking its truth from the bank, now I can see" - Bigger Boot turns out to actually be Dennis. They're clearly terrified.
Cold Blows the Wind
"I'll sit and weep, down by his grave" - Mindy is locked outside the Krusty Krab, begging for Spongebob and Patrick to make it back in time
"This young man, he arose" - Hasslehoff stands up.
"and return back" - The duo are shot back to Bikini Bottom.
Pink Eye (On My Leg)
Many specific points match up to the music.
Waving My Dick in the Wind
"if it all goes right..." - Plankton gets sent to prison.
Buckingham Green
"A child without an eye" - Squidward removes his Manager's badge.
"God" - Stephen Hillenburg's name appears in the credits.
Ocean Man
The song plays over footage of the ocean as the credits roll.
She Wanted to Leave (Reprise)
The reprise of the first track plays during the post-credits scene as the pirates, the characters seen in the beginning of the film, leave the theater.