Film: Bambi
Album: The Division Bell
Format: NTSC
Discovered By: Zephyr Ash Ostrowski
Set Up: Begin the album as soon as the movie begins.
Length of sync: 1 Hour 9 Minutes and 58 Seconds (Put album on repeat to cover movie length).
Notes: This sync was originally tested with the 1997 Masterpiece Collection VHS of the film, the DVD and Blu-ray releases will work as well.
According to Zephyr Ash, the four lights between the mouth on the cover could represent the three films that sync with the album: The Sound of Music, Planet of the Apes & Citizen Kane (All discovered by Andrew C. Wendland respectively). The fourth light could be Bambi.
The lyrics in Poles Apart that state “You were always the Golden Boy” could be a possible reference to Bambi, although he isn’t officially gold in colour, most official art of the character Bambi give him a gold shine/shade/colour to him.
Sci-Fi author Douglas Adams gave inspiration for the albums title while trying to think of a name for a charity. In his most famous work The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the number 42 plays an important role. And Bambi was released in 1942.
Lyrical/Musical Connections
Cluster One
The calm instrumental perfectly complimenting the opening scene of the animals going to see Bambi.
What Do You Want From Me
The song starts as soon as Bambi opens his eyes
What do you want from me?” - As Bambi tries to speak.
“You're so hard to please” - Owl making sure all the animals leave for Bambi to sleep.
“Do you think...” - as Thumper has a thoughtful look to his face.
“Should I stand out…” - Showing Bambi's father looking over them up above.
“Everything you see” - After this is said, Bambi sees a family of possums hanging from a tree.
“There is nothing to hide, turn and face the light” - As a mole pops out from the ground and looking around before digging back into the ground.
Poles Apart
“You were always the golden boy…” - Showing Bambi happily prancing.
The strange circus like music is heard as the birds begin to fly around Bambi.
…the roofs of uncertainty” - Flower points to himself, unsure of what’s going on.
Much like Cluster One, Marooned being an instrumental track perfectly compliments the rain scene and the meadow scene, as when they enter, it is all misty.
A Great Day for Freedom
“...had arrived” - Bambi had just splashed a duckling.
“left my side” - Bambi looks to his left to see some plants.
“I turned and I looked at you” - After looking in the waters reflection, Bambi meets Faline.
“slipped away . . . slipped away” - Bambi moves away from Faline nervously.
Wearing the Inside Out
“I stayed out of sight” - Bambi hid from the other deer.
“Won't hear a sound” - As everyone stays quiet watching The Great Prince walk by.
“Look at him now” - As it shows The Prince again from a shot of birds in the sky.
Take It Back
“screaming from all sides” - Bambi slips on the ice pushing Thumper along who then starts to scream.
“God knows I've tried” - Bambi and Thumper crashed into a pile of snow, trying to skate on the ice.
Coming Back to Life
Bambi’s mum puts her head up right on a guitar note.
“Where were you” - the moment Bambi’s mum is shot, Bambi continues to run.
“Where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless?” - Bambi starts to call for his mum.
“While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted” - After being told the news of his mum, Bambi starts to cry.
Keep Talking
“I can't seem to think straight” - As Owl explains to Bambi, Thumper and Flower how Love will make them crazy.
“I can't seem to speak now” - the boys watching Owl in horror.
"It doesn't have to be like this, All we need to do is make sure we keep talking" - The boys leave determined that love won’t affect them.
Lost for Words
“I was caught in a cauldron of hate” - Bambi becomes furious of another male deer taking Faline away.
“While you are wasting your time on your enemies” - Bambi fighting off the other deer.
The other male deer lands in the water right on beat.
High Hopes
Bambi is woken up when the bells are heard.
“Beyond the horizon” - Bambi looks at the horizon seeing smoke.
“We reached the dizzy heights” - as a bird starts to fly off.
The bird is shot dead landing on the ground on beat, after this the music starts to intensify.
“There's a hunger still unsatisfied” - as the Dogs try to reach up to Faline.
The emotion music complimenting the intense fire scene.
Second Play-through
Cluster One
After the strange noises are heard, the song plays through the last scene of Faline and Bambi’s children after being born, echoing the opening scene.