Film: Fantastic Mr. Fox
Album: Hail to the Thief
Format: PAL DVD
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Set Up: Begin the album as soon as the movie begins.
Length of sync: 1 hour 23 minutes 13 seconds (Put album on repeat to cover movie length).
The music video for There There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.) features Thom Yorke in a woodland area with the animals being filmed in stop motion. Fantastic Mr. Fox features a cast of stop motion animals as well as humans.

Both music video and film have similar plots -
There There: Thom Yorke walking around the woods discovering the world of the animals he finds, once stealing something from them he gets "punished" by the animals and the woods.
Fantastic Mr. Fox: Humans discover that Mr. Fox has stolen their property from them, resulting in wanting to kill Mr. Fox and his family. All of Fox’s animal friends come to his aid to succeed on defeating the evil farmers.
Certain words on the three “hill” paintings can describe the films scenes and characters:

Hill 1 (Front Cover):
Retirement - Mr. Fox says he retired from stealing bird, seeing it as an official profession.
Poor - Mr & Mrs Fox consider themselves a poor family.
Danger - Which of course Mr. Fox gets himself into.
Theft - What Mr. Fox did.
Teens - Ash and Kristofferson.

Hill 2:
Victim - Mr. Fox and his family are victims to his selfishness.
Hide - which they try to do from the Farmers.
Mayhem - self explanatory.
Devils - The Farmers Boggus, Bunce and Bean.
Rat - The rat character.
Thief - What Mr. Fox is.
Poor - same as front cover*
Home - the animals homes are destroyed.
Decay - self explanatory.

Hill 3:
Survival - what Mr. Fox and his family have to do.
Who is to Blame - Mr. Fox for all what happens.
We Can Wipe You Out - The Farmers plan to Mr. Fox.
Over My Dead Body - kinda self explanatory.
Bunker - The underground safe havens they temporarily have.
Thief - *2nd cover.
All Hail to the Thief - a line in the movie said by Mr. Fox is "I want people to think I’m the quote on quote fantastic Mr. Fox".
Lyrical/musical connections
2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm.)
“The Thief” - We see the main character Mr. Fox.
“maybe not” - Mr. Fox with Felicity Fox appear as soon as Thom Yorke sings the word “not”.
Sit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders.)
“Sit down” - Mr. Fox gestures the trap coming down upon him and Felicity.
The fast drumming heard when Ash (Mr. Fox and Felicity’s son, as time has passed from the first scene) is brushing his teeth, sounding similar to that of being being brushed in a fast manner.
“The rain drops” - It shows a newspaper clipping of the new house Mr. Fox wants to buy, he lowers it to show the real thing.
Sail to the Moon. (Brush the Cobwebs out of the Sky.)
The scene changes as the song starts.
The somber beginning of the song still plays as Badger (Mr. Fox’s lawyer) is telling him about the three evil farmers Boggus, Bunce and Bean.
“The Moon” - Mr. Fox looks up to watch Kristofferson (his nephew, Ash’s cousin) getting ready to dive into their pool.
Backdrifts. (Honeymoon is Over.)
“So fall asleep” - Kristofferson tries to fall asleep after Ash was mean to him.
“Uh uh uh” - Mr. Fox tells Kylie (Mr.Fox’s new friend) to stop rocking on the chair he’s sitting in.
The music suits Mr. Fox and Kylie as they head off to pull of Mr.Fox’s master plan.
Go to Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.)
“Something for the rag and bone man” - Mr. Fox fires the laced blueberry at the dog. Bone man = dog.
“Over my dead body” - the camera moves away as Mr. Fox kills a chicken.
“Over my dead body” - it shows more of the guard dogs getting knocked out from Mr. Fox’s laced blueberries.
“tie it down” - one of the chicken’s has a tag on its leg.
Where I End and You Begin. (The Sky is Falling In.)
“Where I end, you begin” - Kristofferson playing the game leaves his beginning spot to go back to it again.
“you left me alone” - Mr. Fox leaves with Kylie.
We Suck Young Blood. Your Time is Up.)
The piano notes of the song play when security guard Rat’s pocket knife shines.
"would you do anything?" - Bean doesn't go down the cellar when it looks like he may.
"creeping" Mr. Fox and Kylie sneak back into the house.
"we want young blood" - Boggus, Bunce and Bean shoot at Mr.Fox wanting to kill him.
The Gloaming. (Softly Open Our Mouths in the Cold.)
“When the walls bent...when the walls bent” - the roof and walls of their home start to break around them.
"They will suck you down to the other side" - They reach to a safe location underground.
There There. (The Boney King of Nowhere.)
"There in pitch dark" - they dig underground to escape Boggus, Bunce and Bean.
"landscape" - he three farmers dig up the landscape.
"Just 'cus you feel it doesn't mean its there" - Kristofferson argues to Ash about lies he spread about him in school.
"walking disaster" - Farmer Bean is shown.
"doesn't mean it's there" - they find the foxes have escaped.
When Mr. Fox lights up a match a sound in the song is similar to that of a match being lit.
I Will. (No Man's Land.)
“In a bunker, underground” - the location they have gathered in.
“sitting ducks” - describing the situation the animals are in.
A Punchup at a Wedding. (No no no no no no no no.)
The song plays as the farmers men, TV crew and Bean’s personal musician start to sing a song about the animals.
"you had to piss on our parade" - Bean learns the animals stole all his material goods and food.
Piano notes are heard at the same time Mole is playing on a piano.
Myxomatosis. (Judge, Jury & Executioner.)
The song suits the scenes that are shown while the song plays.
Scatterbrain. (As Dead as Leaves.)
"Your voice" - Mr. Fox and Felicity talk truthfully to each other.
"A moving target on a firing range" - Mr. Fox goes to sacrifice himself to save the animals and his family.
A Wolf at the Door. (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
- The song starts with a ransom note from Farmer Bean. *note the songs lyrics “if I don’t pay the ransom”.
- “kicks” - The rat kicks the air after throwing Ash.
- “you fucker, don’t you dare” - Felicity pulls back the Rat, defending her son Ash.
- “put me inside” - Rat puts Ash in a bag to kidnap him.
- “He’s gonna mess me up” - Mr. Fox and Rat start to fight each other.
- "with my x-ray eyes" - Rats eyes are a strong shade of red.
- “and I’ll never see ‘em again” - Mr. Fox puts Rat’s dead body in the stream of water as it floats away.
Second Play-through
2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm.)
“2 and 2” - the scientific name for one of the animals is shown to be “Lupa Lupa”.
“You” - Mr. Fox points to Ash as soon as Thom says the word.
“Hail to the Thief” showing Mr. Fox.
Sit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders.)
The arms on the clocks/watches move perfectly on beat as the song begins.
"walk into the jaws of hell" - The animals throw fired pine cones from the sewer entrance lighting things on fire.
The music builds up as Mr. Fox, Kylie and Ash drive away in the motorbike.
“Down” - they are seen from a helicopters perspective.
Sail to the Moon. (Brush the Cobwebs out of the Sky.)
The song starts as it cuts to Mr. Fox, Kylie and Ash.
“...and how much” - The box that has Kristofferson trapped in has text that reads "COUNT: 150".
Backdrifts. (Honeymoon is Over.)
The song starts as leaves rustle by the characters.
"We tried but there was nothing we could do" - as Mr.Fox's tail is torn to shreds by the dog.
A screeching sound is heard as they stop to see a Wolf nearby.
A humming sound is heard as Ash, Kristofferson and Agnes (a young female fox) are meditating.
Go to Sleep. (Little Man Being Erased.)
"Something big is going to happen" - discovering the grocery store it will change their lives for the better.
Where I End and You Begin. (The Sky is Falling In.)
Drums and guitars kick in as the credits start to roll.
The title sums up the end of the movie. Where the film ends, a new life for Mr. Fox, his family and friends begins.