Film: Calling Engines! (UK/AUS Release)
Album: Kid A
Format: PAL
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Set Up: Begin the album as soon as the movie begins.
Length of sync: 1 hour (Put album on repeat to cover movie length).
Notes: The UK/AUS Version of the movie must be used. The US version adds in a scene originally deleted from the film. The extended version seen on YouTube is not to be used either.
Thomas's location in his dream sequence almost resembles the album cover. Strange white foggy/cloud mountains.
The hidden booklet featured in original releases of KID A contains phrases that could relate to the film:
"Watch the World Collapse" - can be a good phrase for the plot of the movie.
"To the Wee Small Hours" - the movie is almost exactly one hour/all the events the engines witnessed happened so fast one after another.
"The Gap in between you and Me" - The rivalry of the engines and diesels.
"I'm Not Scared" - as this is all Thomas' fault, he mans up to his mistakes and takes responsibility/he overcomes his fear of Diesel 10.
"Straw Dogs to scare the Straw Crows" - could refer to the part where Edward dreams he is a straw scarecrow.
"Claws clanging" - Diesel 10's metal claw.
Lyrical/Musical connections
Everything In Its Right Place
The opening animation shows the now famous tagline "Making Tracks to Great Distinations".
The Thomas & Friends logo appears as Kid A is said for the first time.
The opening lyrics play as it shows The Island of Sodor from above, showing that Everything is in its Right Place.
"There are two colours in my head" - As Thomas (who is blue) leaves the docks showing James (Who is red) behind him. Coincidentally, these are also the colours the police lights flash during this line in the Kid A/The Matrix sync.
Kid A
Strange sounds are heard when Thomas's eyes spin.
The song begins as the Engines begin their work in the first song of the movie "Busy".
"We've got heads on sticks" - as a close up of each engine’s face is shown in rhythm to the song.
(Think: “heads on sticks” = “faces on machines”)
A motor like sound can be heard as the Diesel twins 'Arry and Bert show up.
"Come on kids..." - 'Arry and Bert leave.
The National Anthem
The song starts as Thomas thinks of a plan to get back at 'Arry and Bert.
"It's holdin' on..." - As Diesel collects trucks filled with Bananas.
"It's holdin' on..." - as Diesel 10 holds on to some scrap metal with his claw.
The song ends as James stops.
How to Disappear Completely
The song starts as it fades to Edward.
“That there, that’s not me” - Thomas enters the carriage shed with Emily, Emily not looking happy.
"Float down..." - as objects fall from the sky during the storm.
"This isn't happening" - the engines look and listen in fear of the storm.
"In a little while, I'll be gone" - The Suspension Bridge gets destroyed from the storm.
"The moment's already passed" - This is sung as soon as it fades to the next morning.
"yeah it's gone" - Thomas sees the destruction of the storm.
"and I'm not here..." - Thomas finds the Suspension Bridge is now gone.
"...and hurricanes" - could refer to the storm.
The ambient nature of the song orchestrates the bitter rivalry the steam engines have with the diesel engines.
"You can try the best you can" - is repeated as Thomas tries his best to help with the bridge by taking a heavy part of the bridge.
"This one..." - A track lights up red as the words are sung during the interactive segment.
"I'd really like to help you man" - Thomas helping the workmen.
Thom Yorke cries out as it zooms in on a frightened workman's face.
In Limbo
The instruments kick in as soon as it cuts to Diesel.
“Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea” - The Island of Sodor is fictionally located in the Irish Seam between England and The Isle of Man.
"Nowhere to Hide" - Diesel leaves Thomas as Thomas thinks of a plan to get back at Diesel.
"You're living in a fantasy" - this could be reference to a song from the original Thomas the Tank Engine series, The Island Song and it's lyrics: "to a land of make believe".
As mentioned in connections, The mountains in Thomas’s dream somewhat resemble the ones on the album cover.
Thomas’s smoke coming from his funnel puff perfect in beat and timing with the song.
"Woman and children" - showing Lady and Rusty the Narrow Gauge Diesel, Rusty who is smaller than Lady.
"Who's in the bunker?" - Showing Thomas from outside the shed.
"Take the money, run!" - In the interactive segment shown as this song plays, Thomas tries to find the Diesel engine Mavis. The first engine is Percy, as Thomas leaves the lyrics are sung.
The music changes as Thomas find Mavis.
Morning Bell
“Where’d you park the car?” - as Toby and Gordon “park” (i.e. slow down to a full stop on the tracks.)
Motion Picture Soundtrack
"Help me get where I belong" - Percy goes to help Mavis.
Now in one of the best moments you'll probably ever see in a sync. The hidden track plays in perfect timing with the scene of the Airport water tower being destroyed. Seriously when you see it you'll be amazed.
Second Play-through
Everything In Its Right Place
"there are two colours in my head" - showing the Diesel twins 'Arry and Bert who are Yellow and Black.
At this point, Thomas convinces Diesel 10 to help clean the remains of the water tower and the airport so that the plane could land, the other diesels and engines soon follow suit to once again put Everything In Its Right Place.
Kid A
The song starts as soon as the plane flies overhead, we hear a motor sound again as it does.
The song plays as the engines go through another working montage, as it did in the first play-through.
"Standing at the shadows at the end of my bed" - as it cuts to Thomas sleeping in the sheds.
One of the lyrics in the Engine Roll Call song is "down the hills and round the bends".
"Come on Kids" - could be interpreted as "Come on kids, sing along with Thomas" since the Engine Roll Call's lyrics are displayed on screen.
The National Anthem
Song starts to play as the credits roll.