Film: Blade Runner [The Final Cut]
Album: Machina/The Machines of God
Format: NTSC/Blu-ray PAL
Discovered By: Sam the Angel Fox
Set Up: Start the album when the film begins.
Length of sync: 1 hour 57 minutes (Put album on repeat to cover movie length)
The albums title "The Machines of God" could refer to the Replicants in the film. Being perfect replicas of people, and if we are referred to as The Image/Children of God, than the replicants are The Machines of God.
Some of the paintings made for the album represents some scenes and items shown in the film:

Lyrical/musical connections
The Everlasting Gaze
The Ladd Company Logo starts to appear on the first cymbal note.
Raindrops + Sunshowers
"You should know..." - Leon asks Mr. Webber why he would be in a desert with Webber giving him a reason.
"And I'm just trying to talk to you" - Mr. Wbber asks Leon the next question.
The chorus lyrics play at the exact moment it shows people walking together in the rain.
Stand Inside Your Love
"You and me" - Deckard calling over the noodle bar cook.
"Travel the world, traverse the skies" - Showing an above shot of the police spinner.
I of the Mourning
"Don't you know?" - Deckard asks the chief who was on screen.
"...in the dark light" - Showing a head on view of a spinner with its headlights on.
The Sacred and Profane
"Just in time to prove" - Deckard agrees to use the Voight-Kampff on Rachael.
Try, Try, Try
"...the heat and the summer rain" - As the Spinner leaves showing around them rain and fire.
"Here we are..." - Deckard and Gaff enter in the apartment.
"Broken..." - Deckard holding a broken piece of a strange item.
"Hold on" - Deckard finding and holding some photographs.
"Try to Hold on" - Chew holding an eye with his chopsticks.
Heavy Metal Machine
"Let all the girls..." - Deckard listening to Leon's Voight test where he mentions his mother.
"Heavy Metal Machines" - Deckards' car.
"Is it up to me? Could you understand?" - Rachael explaining to Deckard that she waited for him.
The song ends as Deckard sits down.
This Time
"The things you want to hold, are in pieces" - Deckard tells Racheal her memories are implants, as she tries to hold back her crying.
"...Every word" - A blimp flying above showing an advertisement saying "Live Clean: Off world".
"We bid you all goodnight" - As Pris makes herself comfortable among piles of paper and trash to rest in.
The Imploding Voice
The garbage truck stops at the first drum beat.
"All through the broken glass" - Pris had just slipped into the glass door of the truck.
"Even if you're gone too far" - Sebastian asks Pris where she was going, who had just before said she was lost.
"...up..." - as the elevator goes... well, Up!
"Pause of light" - The lights from the blimp coming through the roof.
'Everywhere you are" - as this line repeats it shows Deckard back at his home at the piano.
Glass and the Ghost Children
The song begins at the same time the famous Unicorn Dream does.
"Her translucent skin" - The machine zooms in on the woman in the photograph, showing a blue marking on her face.
A hissing sound can be heard in the song as Deckard looks at a snake in a glass case.
"Naked blur" - Zhora is mostly a naked woman for her act.
"I turned around" - Zhora turns away from Deckard.
"reveal..." - cuts to Zhora drying her hair.
"...crushing down I felt the pain" - Deckard is attacked and knocked down by Zhora.
The Crying Tree of Mercury
"Is it selfish? It's you I want" - Deckard chasing after Zhora who has become a runner.
With Every Light
"...shining on me" - the bright police spinner lights shining on Bryant.
"...I've found" - Leon finds Deckard, grabbing him by the arm.
"...down on me" - Leon's dead body falls on top of Deckard.
"I'm never alone" - Deckard now with Rachael who had just saved his life.
Blue Skies Bring Tears
"I sit by quiet" - Rachael finishes speaking, leaving a silence between her and Deckard.
"Plastic playmates" - Showing Rachael.
"I am a stranger to you, as you are to yourself" - A possible call back of an earlier scene of the two talking about Racheal's memories, and here they are again sharing a scene together.
"It's about fear" - Deckard telling her that someone will hunt her down if he didn't.
Age of Innocence
"The eye upon you" - Deckard appears.
"Hesitation, no" - Rachael admitting that she thought she couldn't play the piano despite doing so.
"No more the lie upon you, cast in stone and autumn shade" - Deckard holding Rachael by the window as they are covered by the blinds shade.
"Hesitation, no" - Deckard kissing Rachael.
"'cause for the moment we are free, we seem to bind our release" - the two giving their feelings to each other, then passionately kissing.
"Yes..." - Pris smiling as the word is said.
Second Play-through
The Everlasting Gaze
"You know I'm not dead" - Pris checking if Sebastian is asleep.
"As you sleep" - cutting to Sebastian.
"A God Machine" - As it cuts to Roy
"The Everlasting Gaze" - Roy gazing lovingly at Pris.
Raindrops + Sunshowers
"Clean white..." - Roy, who has white hair.
Stand Inside Your Love
"Don't understand" - Mr. Tyrell begins to talk about how making changes to a Replicant can be fatal.
"Who wouldn't be the one you love? (and live for). Who wouldn't stand inside your love (and die for)" - Roy kisses Mr. Tyrell before crushing his head to kill him.
I of the Mourning
"Please don't go" - A frightened Sebastian runs away from Roy as Roy tries to apologize to him.
"On empty streets" - as the scene cross fades to a mostly empty road.
"As my radio plays my favourite song" - Deckard listening on the police radio.
"I'm alone" - Deckard getting out of his spinner, seeing he's the only one around.
The Sacred and Profane
"And I will prove of my release." - Pris suddenly attacks Deckard after pretending to be motionless.
Try, Try, Try
The song begins as Roy kisses Pris one last time.
"Try to hold on" - Roy gripping Deckard's wrist tightly
(Note: The chorus basically plays as this little scene is show, so every "hold on" the chorus sings, it shows such actions.)
"Try to hold on" - Roy pulling out a floorboard nail.
Heavy Metal Machine
"What would you feel?" = Roy in pain from Deckard's blows with a lead pipe.
"Heavy Metal Machine" - Roy
"Will I survive?" - Deckard hanging from the edge of the building.
This Time
In quite possibly the greatest moment of this whole sync, the song plays at the famous Tears in Rain Monologue scene. The lyrics of the first verse, chorus, second verse and the repeated chorus all perfectly describe Roy's monologue of how he had seen life to it's fullest despite being a replicant.
The Lyrics that are sung during the scene:
"This Time I need to know
I really must be told, if it's over
It's up to you, you know
The things you want to hold, are in pieces.
Crashing down, crashing down again
Crashing down, crashing down my friends.
I've got to move it on
I've got to sing my song, while I still can
Dispatch the last alarams
Hand out the last few charms
There's no surprises.
Only love, only love can win
Crashing down, crashing down again
Only love, yeah only love will win
Crashing down, crashing down again."
"This Time I need to know, I really must be told if it's over" - Gaff asking if Deckard was through with his mission.
"As the curtain falls we bid you all goodnight" - Deckard removes the sheets and kisses Rachael.
The Imploding Voice
"You were alone all this time" = the elevator door closes and the credits begin to roll.